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Locale Detection

@lingui/detect-locale is little package just (1 kB Gzip) with some helper functions that will help you detect the locale of the user:


Install @lingui/detect-locale as a dependency:

npm install --save @lingui/detect-locale


@lingui/detect-locale: exports multiple methods:

  • detect - Will return the first occurrence of detectors
  • multipleDetect - Will return an array with all the locales detected by each detector

and some helpers:

  • fromCookie(key: string) - Accepts a key as param will recover from navigator cookies the value
  • fromHtmlTag(tag: string) - Will find on HtmlDocument the attribute passed in params (normally it's used lang or xml:lang)
  • fromNavigator() - Recovers the navigator language, it's also compatible with old browsers like IE11
  • fromPath(localePathIndex: number) - Splits the location.pathname in an array so you have to specify the index of the array where's locale is set
  • fromStorage(key: string, { useSessionStorage: boolean } - Will search on localStorage by default the item that has that key, if useSessionStorage is passed, will search on sessionStorage
  • fromSubdomain(localeSubdomainIndex: number) - Like fromPath, splits the location.href on segments you must specify the index of that segment
  • fromUrl(parameter: string) - Uses a query-string parser to recover the correct parameter

Practically all detectors accepts a custom document, location, or window object as param, it's useful when testing or using some server-side strategy.

Usage with detect​

import { detect, fromUrl, fromStorage, fromNavigator } from "@lingui/detect-locale";

// can be a function with custom logic or just a string, `detect` method will handle it
const DEFAULT_FALLBACK = () => "en";

const result = detect(fromUrl("lang"), fromStorage("lang"), fromNavigator(), DEFAULT_FALLBACK);

console.log(result); // "en"

Usage with multipleDetect​

import { multipleDetect, fromUrl, fromStorage, fromNavigator } from "@lingui/detect-locale";

// can be a function with custom logic or just a string, `detect` method will handle it
const DEFAULT_FALLBACK = () => "en";

const result = multipleDetect(fromUrl("lang"), fromStorage("lang"), fromNavigator(), DEFAULT_FALLBACK);

console.log(result); // ["en", "es"]